Walk in Love

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2

Love is the crux of the Bible. God created us out of love. He did not need us, He wanted us so He could have a relationship with us. God did not have to give us His Son so we could have eternal life, He chose to so we could live forever with Him. Jesus did not have to die so that our sins would be forgiven. He laid down His life out of love. In turn, our actions should be in love for Jesus. We should carry on His work and help lead others to Him so that they too can know the love of their Father and Lord and Savior. Love provides people with hope and gives them a purpose to live. Everyone has a deep desire to be loved not only by people but also God their Father and Creator.

My prayer tonight is that our actions and words reflect love and people know that we are followers of Jesus. I pray that we know we can stand for the truth and still show love to others. I also pray that we do not base our live on their actions or what they can do for us.

Tonight take the time to reflect on whether your words and actions are out of love or self serving. Do others want to know what is driving you because of the love you share for them or do they get turned off because of the way you act? We love because He first loved us.


God deserves our respect


God is the maker of all things