God is the maker of all things

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Ecclesiastes 11:5

There are times that all we can do is sit back and be in awe of how great our God is and all that He has created. For thousands of years man has tried to come to understand the human body and they continually make new findings and have to change their ways of thinking with medicine. No one has been able to create a human being. Scientist continue to improve on food that God perfectly created to nourish our bodies. Instead of improving upon God’s creation they are making products that are making us sick. We, as humans have specialties where we may be able to design or create something in our area of expertise but only God can create planets, oceans or species of animals. Our God loves us so much that He has designed a magnificent universe that has so much beauty and majesty that in our lifetime we will never be able to appreciate all that He has done for us.

My prayer tonight is that we never lose the awe and wonder of the greatness of God. I pray that we take time daily to praise God and thank Him for giving us all the beauty that surrounds us. I also pray that we know that it is okay to not understand all that God has created because His ways are far higher than anything our minds can conceive. Finally I pray that we stop trying to play God and we do not try to recreate what He has already created because we can not compete with the perfection of God.

Tonight take the time to be in awe of how great our God is and all that He has given you. Take the time to see the beauty that surrounds you. Doze off to sleep thinking of how blessed you are to have a God that loves you so much He created all this for you, His beloved child.


Walk in Love


God Forgives