Empowering people to live life to the fullest

Our Mission

We strive to give people the key ingredients to live a healthy life, addressing the spiritual emotional and physical health. Helping people to live the way God intended for all His children to live.

About Laurie

Laurie Dahle has a heart for Jesus and loves to help people grow in their relationship with Him.  She also has a passion for healthy living and incorporates this into her Bible studies and retreats.

 Laurie loves to lead retreats digging deep into Scripture and helping the Word come alive as the participants draw closer to God. She provides the participants with interactive teachings so that they can see how Scripture applies to their lives. She incorporates healthy living tips throughout the weekend so that the participants get a better understanding of the importance of maintaining their temples.

 Laurie is a cancer survivor who believes that treating the whole person – spirit, mind, and body goes a long way toward keeping people healthy. God inspired her to write the Bible studies Rebuilding your Temple and Remodeling your Temple after she rediscovered the importance of  faith, exercise and diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle and following God’s calling for her life. Laurie believes everyone is capable of living a healthy lifestyle, and it all begins with faith. And her books she teaches people how to make simple and practical changes to help them find more energy and use their knowledge to empower them to live a healthier lifestyle.

 In addition to writing Rebuilding your Temple and Remodeling your Temple, Laurie writes a daily devotional titled Nugget of the Day and has several other books in the works. She enjoys public speaking sharing Scripture as she relates it to everyday life so people get to know God’s unconditional love. She enjoys using her love of nature photography to help others see God’s unconditional love by seeing all the beauty God created for us in this world.

Check out our upcoming Retreat!

We have all been called by God for such a time as this and have a role in His Kingdom

Are we willing to make a stand?

Join us as we delve deeper into the book of Esther and learn to tap into her strength to become warriors in God's army.